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Interview TeenNick 18.11.2010

So, I know you just saw that photo shoot interview last week, but as it happens, I caught up with Annie on her almost-last day on set for Season 10 and we got to have a nice leisurely chat:

So at the end of a season, does it feel sort of like summer vacation now?
Yeah! Despite the fact that it's freezing here. But yeah, it's definitely weird, everyone's saying bye. And it's like cleaning out our lockers -- we're getting our various things from wardrobe. And the things we've left in our dressing rooms this whole season, we finally have to take home -- I keep leaving this travel mug of tea here and not wanting to deal with it and now I finally have to bring it home. But we'll be back in a few months.

I read on the twitters that you just graduated high school! Congratulations!
Yes, I just went to my commencement ceremony; it was Thanksgiving weekend in Canada. And it was nice that Epitome gave me the whole day off, too, so I could go see my old high school friends and everything.

Why is your high school commencement in October?
The universities here do their commencements in the fall, so I think my school is just trying to be more collegiate? It's always been a tradition. Which is nice, because it's kind of like our five-month reunion -- we get to see what everyone's been up to since they went off to university.

So it was a normal graduation -- you got to wear a cap and gown and everything.
I did, and I threw it up in the air... it was such a classic, TV graduation.! And then I get to graduate on Degrassi too so I can have a real TV graduation!

Since Fiona has one of the best wardrobes on Degrassi, was moving over to the uniforms difficult for you?
You know what, it was, but Fiona jazzes up the uniforms. With headbands, and -- everyone always complains because Fiona's skirt is the only one that's soo much shorter than the other girls'. And she's bending the rules a bit -- everyone has these black flats and Fiona's have these little heels attached. She's trying to add her own flair to it. But for me as an actor, I actually love the uniforms because, as I'm sure people notice, Fiona has so many "things"! She has so many accessories; it gets exhausting to take on and off sometimes. So with the uniform I only have to change like, my pants or my skirt.

I also saw on the twitters that you actually sit down and watch Degrassi on Friday nights, right?
Yeah, out of the cast I'm the one who's the biggest Degrassi fan. I've seen every one multiple times, of all the seasons. I love to see how they turn out -- because we only read through them once in the readthroughs and I don't read them again after that. And even though it's hard watching myself, I love it.

Do you have certain people you want to watch with, or like rules about whether you can talk during the show?
I definitely don't want interruptions, and everyone has to sing along with the theme song with me. My parents are obsessed with it, too; they'll watch it even when I'm not there. Even if I'm not in the episode, they DVR it and watch it together. But as for who I watch with, I'm not picky, the more the merrier.

So, it's been so long since we talked, and so much has happened. I mean... going back to Fiona and Bobby... what was it like to film the violent scenes? Did you do any stunts?
We had a stunt double for the stairs scene, because I mean... pretty brutal. But I did have to get into the position she landed in, and then flip out of it, but also be crying like I had just been thrown down the stairs. Those episodes were actually my favorite to shoot; those four were the most amazing experience. And Ben Lewis, who played Bobby is the nicest guy I've ever met. I can't believe what a great actor he is because when I watch those episodes I'm like, "You're terrible!" Such a great guy. But I was excited about being in those episodes because, me being a Degrassi fan, it was great to get to tackle one of the main teen issues.

Ecrit par brucas59 



Ecrit par brucas59 
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Merci d'avance pour votre aide et excellent week-end !

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